Principles Game Design
一切的principle, 都只是 principle, 但是经常当我们太早的走进理论之后, 它们会给我们产生负面效用, 我们的idea 好像这里不够完善, 那里不够成熟, 往往会很打击我们的积极性, 但是如果你觉得 “看来我的还是太天真了” 这种低级的论调的话, 那你可能确实应该早点放弃。我们之所以学习, 不正是因为知道我们的不足嘛!加油吧少年!慢慢雕琢出最好的Design! 而不是只是一个 Idea
Level Design
- balance between exploration & action (state flow)
e.g. like Inside, once puzzle is solved 它应该是容易复现的,而不是要很多操作的
- tips of level design:
- Begin with conceptual work (why the level exists, how it fits into the whole game; develop a focus for your level; provide variety; grid paper
- landmarks (like the carsel in the Disney land)
- Architecture of level (design for purposes = meaningful play,
- progress report)
- 成长曲线, 先易后难,适时给一些小高潮
- Flow Control: how to prevent him from returning
- Show the player they are doing right.
- Treat them differently, satisfy different kind of people
- Other tips:
- Use AI effectively
- Asset sequencing (don’t want them getting stuff too early)
- Avoid player getting suck
- Progressively reveal eye candy. (tell them this is now and rewards to them)
imbalance 简称 imba - 阴霸 我现在才知道这个词是这么来的
首先, balance 固然是重要的,但是 imbalance 也不全是坏事, 有时候这是玩家很大的乐趣。
Player don’t know statistic. Sometimes, we need to sacrifices the perfect equation or the realism.
User experience
Accessibility in games
有时候想想, 聋人, 盲人, 高位截瘫的人, 色盲 等等 他们会用怎样的视角去interact with the game,
book 《the design of everyday things》
Input System - Input control
Interesting : 那个弹钢琴的app, 还有那个喊话 跳跳的小游戏。
You are creating the language of action. 可以让你 rethink 的 action drag - click, hold, ..
innovate when it is needed.
Team work
- 80% of teamwork is showing up
- listen to your team members
- Build trust
- give a second chance
- don’t sweat the small things
- have a shared vision and shared ownership
- make progress between meetings
- offer solutions, not excuses
- find a way to love your project and take pride in your work
It’s all about people -( every things)
Maybe issues
- Communication
- Game documents are for “memory” and “communication
- Dividing work
- Back up your work
Project Management
Why is it hard:
- requirements not clear and changing all the time
- Analysis paralysis
- Lot of time can be wasted ( 64% of functionality rarely used)
Iterative design
- design prototype evaluate
Project management techniques
- Agile Development
- Extreme programming
- Sigma Six
AGILE principles
Goals of Project Management tools
- Memory of decisions
- Communication across team
- Coordination of tasks
- Management of assets
- Planning
- How to prioritize things
C# 的辅助工具 (和Unity UI 联动)
[Range(0f, 10f)] // 一个滑条的range
[Tooltip("somethign")] // 把鼠标放在上面会有提示
[HideInInspector] // Public Variable 也可以对Editor隐藏
[SerializeField] // Private Variable 也可以对Editor展示
Stun effect
player 踩到enemy的时候, enemy会晕掉, 要记得在 stun function
在触碰的瞬间, 跳到第二个layout, 保证只调用一次stun function
Particles Coll
void OnParticleCollision(GameObject particleHolderObject){}
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D other){}
是两个不同但效果很类似的function, 一个是指particles 的 一个是其他的。
但要触发, OnParticleCollison 需要勾上 倒数第二行的 “Send Collision Messages”